Our series of exclusive video tutorials created for us by Darren Mostyn from Online Creative and produced in conjunction with Blackmagic itself, is now complete and takes you all the way through the creative editing process in one of the most powerful packages out there.
Ask anyone who’s been around the industry for more than a handful of years, and they’ll tell you that one of the most astonishing changes that has been made is not so much what software can do nowadays but what it costs.
Once upon a time a seat of anything that involved the major manipulation of video, from NLE to 3D, would cost roughly the same amount as a small family car. That we have the equivalent computing power on the phone in our pocket is not surprising; that tools such as Blackmagic’s Davinci Resolve have come down in price to the point where they are free? Now that, that is a shock.
Discussion over how that's changed the shape of post production and filmmaking is for another time. But in the meantime we present the complete collection of our exclusive Resolve editing tutorials, which will take you all the way from the start of a project to its finish, all ably explained by Darren Mostyn from top post and training facility Online Creative based in Brighton on the UK’s south coast.
RESOLVE EDITING 101 - 01. Setting up and importing media
RESOLVE EDITING 101 - 02. Basic Editing
RESOLVE EDITING 101 - 03. Creative Editing
RESOLVE EDITING 101 - 04. Trimming
RESOLVE EDITING 101 - 05. Working with Audio
RESOLVE EDITING 101 - 06. Multicam Techniques
RESOLVE EDITING 101 - 07. Supporting the Workflow
RESOLVE EDITING 101 08. Properties & Generators
RESOLVE EDITING 101 09. Colour Grading
RESOLVE EDITING 101 10. Delivery
Tags: Tutorials